Feedwhip’s big server has been stumbling heavily the past few days and as a result, no notifications were going out. The culprit is a bad hard disk. To get things running again I have moved all of Feedwhip’s backend operations onto a different, much less powerful server. And so, I’ve also had to dial down everyone’s notification frequencies and subscription limits.

The timing of this move is actually a little convenient, since I’m in the process of acquiring a full-time job, and my opportunities to work on Feedwhip are going to be severely limited in the future. I need to dial back Feedwhip’s growth and bandwidth consumption to a reasonable level. Remember, I’m not making any money off of Feedwhip — the cash is definitely flowing in the opposite direction.

I know this will come as a disappointment to people who have come to depend on Feedwhip for hourly updates of their hundreds of feeds, but it’s just not possible for me to support that level of service going forward. Feedwhip will continue to be operate, and will continue to be free, but I can’t afford to be as generous as before.

If you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them. If you’re interesting in moving your feeds to another notification provider, I can help you migrate. Just drop us a line on our contact page.